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Welcome to November!

One of the many things that Nigerians know how to do is be thankful. Whether it is waking up to good health in the morning, a brand-new month, or our own achievements and those of our children, Nigerians understand that being thankful for the good they have is the foundation of an abundant life. 

This is why we are always thankful, perhaps more so than any other people in the world. We are thankful sincerely and honestly. As November is the month for thanksgiving, we still have so much to be thankful for: good health, families and friends, and another November heading into another Christmas. I encourage you to share with us what you are thankful for this month and this year. 

November 25 is Thanksgiving Day in America and marks the beginning of the Christmas season. On behalf of the Nigerian Parents Magazine (NPM), I wish you and your family a happy Thanksgiving. At NPM, we are thankful for you and the rest of our readers across the world from Nigeria to New Zealand, from Zimbabwe to Kenya, and from the United States to Canada. We would not be where we are today without all of you, and we urge you to continue to engage with us as the best is yet to come. 

I also want to let you know that, at this point in our journey, we have crossed the Rubicon. In other words, we have irrevocably committed ourselves to bringing you a world-class readership experience and we are in it for the long haul. 

During this month of November, our commitment will continue to grow and never wane.  Through our columnists, we will continue to bring you a readership experience that is unmatched by any contemporary family magazine such as ours. In fact, our goal is to become the benchmark for well-written essays and columns. I am convinced that we are already there. All we ask is for you to be a part of our sensitive and complex conversations. It is through these conversations that we become better collectively.

Let me use this opportunity with my monthly Editor’s Note to thank everyone who has contributed to the Chichi Omeje Victory Fund at https://www.gofundme.com/f/chinonye-omeje-medical-fund. I must confess that when NPM started this fund drive, I was cynical about how successful it would be. However, you proved me wrong. Most importantly, you showed up for Chichi, the burn victim whose feature story captivated the world. Looking at the numbers, the world now knows that Nigerians are people who always stand together with each other in difficult times. Therefore, I want to express my sincere gratitude while letting you know that this opportunity to help is still available through the link above.

Finally, we have an array of surprising and interesting articles coming up this month. As always, I will end my editorial by asking you to let us know how we can make your experience better. I am optimistic that we will have wonderful announcements coming up in NPM this month. 

Stay tuned and stay engaged with us.

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