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Welcome to June

Welcome to June! While I was thinking about the direction to take in this editorial, my daughter said to me, “I can’t believe it’s already June.” With that remark, she inspired me. She, like most graduates, missed the normal high school graduation in 2020. What a difference a year makes. At this time last year, we were in the lockdown, graduations were cancelled, offices were closed, countries had closed their boarders, and no one knew when we would return to normalcy. Thanks to science, we are now returning to our offices, going on trips, and celebrating at parties.

Two of the most important events we missed last year were our children’s graduation ceremonies and post-ceremony parties. Now, here we are in June and another graduation season. I join with the thousands of Nigerian families across the United States in congratulating our graduates.

As Nigerian parents, we teach our children the principle that education is the key to their success. This principle is the reason why our children have worked so hard to achieve their goals. So, to our graduates, I say CONGRATULATIONS!

Also coming up this month is Father’s Day. On behalf of Nigerian Parents Magazine (NPM), I wish all the fathers a happy Father’s Day on June 20. Now, I know that there are plenty of expert opinions about how to be a good father. Much too often, however, these opinions contradict each other. I do not wish to add to any discord. What I do know is that, for many of us Nigerians, being a good father is primordial. My hope for you this month and always is that you love your family absolutely.

At NPM, we are continuing our aggressive push to become that authoritative voice in America’s mainstream media in everything related to parenting. As we strive to do that, we are bringing the Nigerian culture and way of life with us. For instance, our feature story this month is about Dr. Beulah Iroegbu, who is revolutionizing the way the world receives Nigerian foods. From her residence in Sacramento, California, Dr. Iroegbu is shipping instant Nigerian foods around the world in a way that allows our authentic foods to be prepared in a microwave, making cooking easy while retaining its amazing taste. Because of her ingenuity, Dr. Iroegbu epitomizes Nigerian excellence. I invite all of you to read this scintillating interview with her.

As we return to normalcy here in the United States, it is important to recognize that nothing in Nigeria is normal these days as the country is going through a difficult time. Therefore, we ask every well-meaning Nigerian, regardless of creed or fate, to continue to pray for Nigeria.

Finally, as NPM continues to tell the stories of those who are carrying the banner of Nigerian excellence for the world to see, we ask you to join us by sending your letters to editor@nigerianparents.com

Hamilton Odunze

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